Thank you for clicking on our affiliate's link and visiting our website. To show our appreciation for your support, we're thrilled to offer you two exciting free gifts when you purchase any appliance, helping you embark on your dream kitchen journey!
You’re into cooking. So maybe you’re a budding gastronome or maybe you’re a full-blown chef de cuisine in that kitchen of yours. Or maybe you just want to cook for friends or family and just don’t want to embarrass yourself.
You’re right in our wheelhouse. We’re THOR Kitchen. And what we design and build are some of the hardest working kitchen mates around.
Professional design. Premium power and performance. Appliances that bring oohs and ahhs before the first dish even hits the table. And the utterly fantastic news? You don’t have to decide between a new car or a new kitchen suite to step into them.
Seriously. You can get an entire suite of handsomely designed and meticulously crafted THOR Kitchen appliances for less than the price of someone else’s hyped-up, absurdly priced range alone. That full suite of kitchen appliances includes a THOR Kitchen professional stainless steel range, range hood, refrigerator, and stainless steel dishwasher. All for under $5,500.